Frequently asked questionsx

These are a few of the most frequently asked questions we receive. If you are not able to find the answer you are looking for here, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the information on our contact page.


We are traditionally a regional organization, so it is not surprising if you have never heard of us. Perhaps you have not traded in the Black Sea, Mediterranean or the Baltic Sea before, or you have been working with your current inspector for far too long!

If you would like to get assurance of the quality of our work, we are more than happy to offer references from major well-known trading organizations. We are developing each year, investing in our growth and making new contacts all the time.

We currently employ about 100 full time staff across the organization. Most of these employees are front-line inspectors.

We are a 24-hour, seven-days-a -week operation. Whenever there are ships loading cargo, we are on call. Our operations office is normally up and running three hours before London and two hours before Geneva, and we are there until the day’s business is done. Our communications are checked regularly outside of office hours. Other than that, our clients always have our direct numbers.

It takes a professional attitude, training and experience – years and years of it. It takes knowledge of the industry and a sustained track-record of client support, as well as the means to translate this into a thriving business enterprise.

While there are many local companies with talented personnel, few companies manage to compete on the international petroleum market as successfully as we have. Many of the bigger names in the industry only exist as divisions of large corporations. In contrast, Cargo Inspections Group – and the work we carry out – is completely independent.