Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Cargo Inspections Group > Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

As part of our rigorous corporate responsibility programme, Cargo Inspections Group (CIG) has developed a stringent anti-bribery policy that CIG’s employees and those persons acting on behalf of CIG must adhere to. We are committed to monitoring and reviewing this policy regularly to ensure that it continues to be an effective measure against bribery and corruption.

Within our policy, we have set out:

  • How we aim to minimise the risk of bribery and corruption within our business;
  • Our guidelines for dealing with second and third parties and negotiating contracts;
  • Expectations regarding transparency and potential conflicts of interest;
  • Company rules on the acceptance of gifts, donations or hospitality

In accordance with normal trading practices, we are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest with any entity that the company has a commercial or financial interest in, and to whom we offer services.

In accordance with relevant anti-bribery legislation, we ensure that all staff are well trained to recognise potential corruption within the business and report it through the proper channels.